Real Estate Sponsors

PropertyFirms is a leading real estate platform. As we continue to expand our reach, we are seeking sponsors who would like to become part of the PropertyFirms family and grow with us as our network expands across the country. Join the list of leaders in their respective fields who have chosen to partner with us and benefit from what we can offer you as a sponsor of PropertyFirms.

Sponsorship at PropertyFirms can be an effective way to promote your business online and gain new customers who are specifically interested in your industry or services. The first step to becoming a sponsor on PropertyFirms is to read through this guide, which outlines how we work with sponsors, how they can use the site’s various features, and what types of advertisements they can get involved with. As you learn more about our process, you will have the opportunity to apply as a sponsor yourself.

What is Sponsorship?

Sponsorship is an agreement between two parties, in which one party agrees to provide monetary or other support for another party's endeavor. The supporting party often called a sponsor, may donate cash and/or in-kind services for promotional use by the sponsored party. Sponsorship is established through negotiation and is usually formalized with a contract. Sponsors have many reasons for sponsoring certain activities; some sponsors might view it as publicity for goodwill, and social recognition. Companies might also sponsor events because they are being positioned as an industry leader, or because they seek exclusive promotional rights (like being able to advertise at an event).

Why Are We Looking For Sponsors?

We are looking for sponsors because we want to reach out to local and national businesses in our niche and partner with them. Having partnerships can help us bring valuable traffic and earn commission on sales that lead from our pages. We have seen several websites do very well from partnership efforts, so we want to get started now, too. Sponsorships are one of the best ways for your business to establish itself as an expert in your field, reach out directly to potential customers and increase revenue and conversions.

What are the Benefits of Being a Sponsor on PropertyFirms?

Being a PropertyFirms sponsor brings with it many advantages. Here are a few of the benefits of being on PropertyFirms:

  • Promotional opportunities at prime locations on the website, social media platforms, and mobile apps;
  • Personalized banner advertising in the developer platform; and Lead generation through targeting your ideal audience.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us now if you want to become our sponsor!

What Do You Get as a Sponsor?

As a sponsor, you’ll get your logo displayed on our website and in some of our promotional materials. You will also be entitled to 1-2 mentions per month in all online media outlets that mention PropertyFirms. These mentions could include an on-screen acknowledgment, an ad placement, or a photo with a link back to your site/social media page, depending on which mediums you choose. The frequency at which you are mentioned depends upon whether we consider you a large or small advertiser; big advertisers receive more mentions than small ones. Every third mention that is larger than 75 x 75 pixels will be displayed at no additional cost.

What's In It For Me?

You might have noticed that we do an awful lot of content creation. In fact, there are several new posts that go up every single day. For these kinds of heavy-lifting projects, we want our partners involved from start to finish—that way, you can be sure that your investment is getting as much exposure as possible. Rather than just throwing out some ads on our website and hoping they work, you'll work with us directly on providing engaging content in which you're able to highlight your products or services in ways that make sense for your brand and offer interesting information for readers. Plus, partnering with us will put you right in front of tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people who are searching for related information daily.

Steps to become sponsor

Becoming a sponsor with us is easy. Simply follow these steps:

  • Contact our sales team and tell them you are interested in becoming a sponsor on PropertyFirms.
  • They will then pass along your details to our marketing team who will give you an overview of all sponsorships currently available.
  • Our marketing team will let you know what packages are available, what sizes they come in, what reach and potential impressions each package has, and how much it costs for each package.
  • You can then choose which packages best suit your business needs and agree upon prices with our marketing team.

Become A Sponsor